Tag Archives: securitization

Sir Alan Duncan MP: It’s time to take on Israel’s settlements – and those who endorse them

Published: October 14, 2014 26 comments Sir Alan Duncan MP: It’s time to take on Israel’s settlements – and those who endorse them By Sir Alan Duncan http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.b44c7db4edf962ad9e7d1d791040bf60.en.html#_=1413521054332&id=twitter-widget-1&lang=en&screen_name=AlanDuncanMP&show_count=true&show_screen_name=true&size=m Sir Alan Duncan is MP for Rutland and Melton. He is a … Continue reading

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The Buck Stops Here: Toxic Titles and Title Insurance Molly Rose Goodman*

The Buck Stops Here: Toxic Titles and Title Insurance Molly Rose Goodman* SSRN-id2288280 Abstract: By failing to properly transfer ownership of loans and mortgages, recording fraudulent documents, and performing unlawful foreclosures, nancial institutions and law rms have generated property titles … Continue reading

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Aztec Foreclosure Corp Antics Analyzed

Aztec Foreclosure Corp Antics Analyzed Neil Garfield | August 17, 2011 at 1:31 am URL: http://wp.me/p7SnH-3JB BY ‘NANCY DREW” In California, OR, WA, CO (non judicial states) place an Automatic Stay one must file Bankruptcy “BK” which stops notice of … Continue reading

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