Tag Archives: existance

Who Are You?

Wisdom is a limited description of a universal, indestructible living being which resides in the human, at its core it is an indispensable entity to human life. Wisdom can not be experienced from knowledge which are written in books. Wisdom comes from an experience of peace in the human. The Illusive Comes Then Description Of Peace, A Human Can Feel At Peace On A Battle Field, During A Raging War, The War Starts First Inside The Mind Of The Human, Then It Manifests Outside A s utter destruction. I know for a hard fact that peace is possible, to know peace is to understand wisdom, for both of these conditions co-exist in universal harmony. The whole universe is inside the human, in a similar manner as one drop of water is the mirror image of the sea, all water must go back to the sea, water came from the sea. All rivers eventually empty into the sea. The purpose oh human life is to attain everlasting eternal peace, this peace is an actual experience, such so that a human having never experienced peace is doomed to live a life devoid of real purpose. It is very important to ask yourself, why am I on the earth? are you alive to attain riches and wealth? well that helps, but at the moment of your last breath, only the last breath is important, the human will need every bit of energy to take that last breath. Continue reading

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