$5.4 Million Verdict Under Attack

Livinglies's Weblog

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See http://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/article/Lenders-ask-court-to-toss-foreclosure-verdict-6720243.php

See also Alabama Jury Awards $400,000 for Deutsch-Ocwen Wrongful Foreclosure — http://www.cunninghambounds.com/who-we-are/resources/news/news-item/2015/12/12/deutsche-bank-and-ocwen-to-pay-$400-000-for-wrongful-foreclosure

So Wells Fargo is on a path that might well settle the issue of presumptions versus fact. WFB is saying to the trial court that it doesn’t matter whether they really own the loan, the note and mortgage. All that matters is that they submitted their self serving paperwork that was more than likely fabricated and forged. The Jury verdict found that neither WFB nor the “Trust” owned the subject loan.

Either WFB knows something that the rest of us do not or they are stepping on a rake. Their position is contrary to the rule of law that has existed for hundreds of years. If there was no transaction in…

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