Monthly Archives: May 2015

Bird & Fortune – Silly Money – Investment Bankers

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Some things about me that can change before I am done writing them.

Moreover nothing changes but the all changing entity in me. Oh and one more thing about me I hate spam I reported all my email as spam, then I go to the Spam box to read them. ” There is a hole in Daddy`s arm, where all the money goes Jesus Christ died for noting I suppose” and do not preach to me about god, because I came to know the creator of universal life itself, this I can prove, but not to you, rather to myself.

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This is what I allege is intrinsic, extrinsic fraud and down right stupidity.

received a bill for $4.10 I went driving to the SW Miami the other day, these unknown foreign companies enjoys certain concessions and other valuable considerations, they get free money to build these camera towers, on our roadways, our tax money is used to pay for these roads, and uses the DMV information about us to serve us bills, which we are not forewarned about, yes I know slavery was abolished a long time ago right? So we pay the DMV to store our private information, then the foreign company gets this information free, then the foreign company gets our tax money to place cameras, on our roads, then that company sends us a bill for using the roads we built. The most obscene part is, if the bill is not paid in the time frame the company provides, a further charge is levied, on the illicit bill. Talk about fraud. Continue reading

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Under Federal Truth in Lending Law you can rescind your loan in Bankruptcy – Some things to think about in regard to validity of the lien, borrower and lender tender obligations and the like. By Steve Vondran

via Under Federal Truth in Lending Law you can rescind your loan in Bankruptcy – Some things to think about in regard to validity of the lien, borrower and lender tender obligations and the like. By Steve Vondran Services … Continue reading

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Mario Insenga, president and founder of The Refinishing Touch

Well I was not time passed and one day my phone rang and a man called Joe told me he was from the finishing touch and that he had a job offer for me in Tampa that I can make the stuff in his small shop in Fort Lauderdale Florida and install the work in Tampa. I told Joe that my shop was more equip than his and that I could very easily do this work as he described it to me in my own shop in my home in the City of Miami, he described his shop to me, his description sounded like a hole in the wall with a sewing machine and I would be working on the floor basically is what I understood as the cutting table he said he had was very small. Continue reading

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Michael Salla, PhD, 3-27-15… “Whistleblower reveals multiple secret space programs concerned about new alien visitors” [namely, GoodETxSG]

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Audio Post

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The DCA Closes a Loophole Exploited By Foreclosure Mills, and delivers a good Slap to the Foreclosure Mills in Florida.

Where the plaintiff files the original note after filing suit, an undated blank endorsement on the note is insufficient to prove standing at the time the initial complaint was filed. Bristol v. Wells Fargo Bank, Nat’l Ass’n, 137 So. 3d 1130, 1132 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014) Continue reading

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LAX BNE, Brisbane Australia, Private Group Fares, September 3rd tru Sept 13 all days inclusive 45% OFF the published fare. LAX to BNE. Group Air-Fare Rate

HA443O 04SEP F HNLBNE HK50 145P 745P 05SEP J /E
HA444N 12SEP J BNEHNL HK50 955P 1110A /E Continue reading

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Florida Appellate Court Holds Dismissal of Foreclosure Action Could Time Bar Subsequent Action

Originally posted on Justice League:
A recent Florida Third District Court of Appeal opinion should put Florida mortgage lenders on notice: If a foreclosure action is dismissed without prejudice, the lender must affirmatively decelerate the loan or risk that the…

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Fort Lauderdale Cop Slaps Homeless Man Around

The cop thinks he is a god, he slaps the old homeless man and speaks to him in a manner as if the cop is the owner of the whole world. Breaking Video Shows Fort Lauderdale Cop Slapping Homeless Man … Continue reading

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In California a wrongful Foreclosure is now considered a TORT

In California a wrongful foreclosure is considered a TORT the Californians did very well for themselves, congratulations to the fighters. haha now they can hope to be wrongfully foreclosed, its now worth a lot of money to lose your home in CA as a result of wrongful foreclosure, how life has changed for them but millions have lost their homes. Continue reading

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Twitter Reveals Inequity of Baltimore’s Curfew Enforcement

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